Wednesday, 15 May 2013

GOSH Nero and OPI OY-- Another Polish Joke

-- I will be posting the Zoya and OPI comparison as soon as I get home. I just left my camera at home and I haven't uploaded it yet.

Like I said before I was dreaming of using OPI OY-- Another Polish Joke over a black and it lived up to every dream I had for it. 

Natural Light 

I love Nero, I only used one thick coat for full coverage, and it is already a nice pitch black colour, I added just one coat of OY-- Another Polish Joke and then the Matte top coat from GOSH. I love the way OY-- Another Polish Joke shines, it's so freaking pretty.
Natural Light

It was hard to get no shine on my nails, but my pinkie turns in awkwardly (which is why the shine of light is always different on it) so here you can see my pinkie has no light shining off it and it almost looks like it's unpainted. This is one of the things that I really really adore about OY-- Another Polish Joke. 

I used GOSH Nero and a thin paint brush to make the little black flower on my thumb.

I have to say GOSH Nero is a great black for coverage, and OPI OY-- Another Polish Joke is another gold  I can not stop loving, and I would really recommend to get it if you like gold.


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